A downloadable game for Windows and macOS

Omnilord is a game centered on a lowly slime rapidly ascending to power and conquering a massive and diverse world through Avatars (or clones) to conquer and administer the fantasy world of Arcassa.

Changelog 0.122g:

-Added nude pinups for the Niza and Sunra H-scenes, including pregnant/non-pregnant variants.

-Fixed several bugs involving the riverlands causing a blackout screen.

-Several Grammar fixes.

-Completely rebuilt the production system from the ground up.

-Added a new menu system, as well as the foundations for the future kingdom management system.

-Completely reworked property management and upgrading.

-Completely reworked the resource management menu and system, simplifying storage of various resources: Iron, Copper, Tin, is now stored as basic metal ores/ingots as an example. This effectively removes the hassle of managing various resources and tracking their current stock levels.

-A simple and easy to use productions system, simply hit (Next turn), in the resource menu to advance production one cycle. This will later tie into kingdom management, and wars.

Follow the games development at my Blog,

or Support development at Subscribestar.

StatusIn development
PlatformsWindows, macOS
Rated 3.8 out of 5 stars
(28 total ratings)
GenreRole Playing
Made withRPG Maker
TagsAdult, Erotic, Fantasy, Management, Narrative, Romance, RPG Maker, Singleplayer, Story Rich
Average sessionA few minutes
InputsKeyboard, Mouse
LinksBlog, Subscribestar


Omnilord 0.122g_Mac.zip 179 MB
Omnilord 0.122g_Windows.zip 143 MB
Omnilord Game Guide ver0.122.pdf 133 kB

Install instructions

Unzip and run .exe.


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i am stuck at the "teleport to Themis" quest. when i use the teleport spell from the menu the game says "you cannot teleport at this time" i have looked at all accesseble room if something else is triggering, and talkt with all people

That's strange as disabling that skill usually only occurs when the player has teleported to the teleportation room, or inside of a specific teleportation banned map... 

This website doesn't allow for uploading downloadable files, can you post this problem on my F95 zone game post, alongside the save file and global file, so I can take a look at what's wrong?

sry for telling it earlier, but after i redownloadet the game and loading there my old savegame it did work, so sry for bordering you

Lol glad everything worked out in the end. :)

I've had the same issue, simply restarting it fixed the problem though.

is this abandoned, cause ill get mad if it is!

very very mad.

(1 edit) (+1)

It's not dead, planning a release for 31st. 

Edit: nevermind looks like it might take another month, bit off a little more than I could chew with this update; got four new regions to explore, and develop for the next backer release.

i don't know if this is already discussed in your blog or on star but how do you get money from trading with the merchant guild in 0.122g? it all says unavailable in this version. is trade in general on hold until the ui is finished?

Yes, latest backer version enables trade.

(1 edit)

Amazing game, just wish there was more artwork of the girls. Preferably where you can see the whole body, front too. I LOVE Phaeress' look. I want to see more of her.  Also, WHERE IS THE WAREHOUSE?!! I am trying to make magic armor and golems, but I cant find the warehouse to store the ore I have in my inventory. HELP!!!!!

Apologies for the late reply:

Speak with the foreman of the smelter,  mines, or smithy, and ask to manage your inventory through them, this gives you access to a menu where you can withdraw resources from your stockpile.

not really stuck, but wondering where heisemerg went to, so I can find him (side note, love the fact that Jesse is a masochist~)I have finished all of the court proceedings, as well as all of he investigations. but the next set of investigation quests haven't popped up yet.

Heisenschmerg has fled the city, and his dubious research will continue elsewhere...

And there are only 4 investigations tops, Heisenschmerg  is the last one.

kinda figured, i'm hoping future updates will further that questline though

what is the actual purpose of the teleport pads that you can craft in the library?

Teleport pads? You mean golems?

You craft golems in the library, then after amassing five of them, you use them to upgrade your production.

No in the same place you craft golems from refined mana crystal, you can also craft telaport pads from mana steel

Oh, those. You can't do anything with them yet except sell them for cash, later on in the game, the plan is to use them to connect your kingdoms vital strategic locations together, and even launch a few invasions. Not in game yet though. :)

sounds epic, cant wait : )

weird glitch making the ruins of ag'dral II quest start early, went to the academy for the heisenschmerg quest and it was there

The glitch your describing is something that seems to happen with older saves from previous versions. Is that the case with you?

no, i started a new save so i could remember everything that happened, but the square with the sparkles was still there, plus when i went to try and start the quest line properly the first mission wouldnt show

Crap... I see the issue now, apologies. I'll release a fix soon, but if you started the ag'dral quest too soon, it can bork your save file.

(3 edits)

Have to click 2 times to revisit, can't go to Watermills 2, when chosing location inside Riverlands, stuck on loading.

new to this game, how tf do you level up the mage profession

i am back for the new version of this game lets check what changed now


you shauld add a wiki for people that get stuck


how do i solve the failed teleport spell inside the mages guil


never mind you just follow the red portals

HELP i'm stuck on the first puzzle with the spell you get inside

Pretty sure you started that quest from the debugger,  please use a save from before activating the glowing object in the sanctum.

Also you just have to pay attention to the pattern color, the correct teleporter gives a color coded clue.

I'm stuck on the ensnare puzzle of genies and bottles 2. I don't understand what i'm supposed to do.

Isn' t that the first puzzle in the quest? If so; activate the side crystals at the same time as the central crystal is the same color (central crystal flashes blue; activate the blue crystal).


glad i was following the project otherwise i wouldnt know it updated also thank you dev for not abandoning such masterpiece


Apologies for the delay, had real life issues to deal with. Glad to hear you like my game!


We're back

Has the game been abandoned?  I haven't seen any updates or posts on any of the creator's platforms since the SubscribeStar release on the 8th of July.

@TheOtherYuggoth ,  heads up on the 0.110c_Windows release there is a bug in the new combat skills leveling as the duelist and evasion levels increase together regardless of which skill you use. That is UNTIL you reach a 21 at which point using either skill will only increase the evasion number, as this occurs neither skill will level past "Grandmaster Duelist Stance" and "Supernatural Evasion".


The algae rooms all return back to the same location to the left side of the screen. I am surprised that there is no actual art or mini game for the sex-scenes. If you need an artist to help out. I can offer my services.

That's on purpose, you trigger a quest by entering the chamber, you renovate them all by speaking with Zesurra in her tent to the north. And yeah artwork is something this game needs majorly, send me link to your work, as well as commission rates please, I won't be able to afford any artwork for a little while though.


Mind you I do digital work as well.

It's sourceress or sorceress


I'll be sudy or study these before I eat em all.

If they are mistakes please correct them..

Thanks for pointing out the grammar mistakes, next time please try to be specific as to where the errors were located, there's a crapton of text to sort through.

Next update will have the fixes.

(2 edits)

I dont know if I get something wrong, but I get myself softlock every playthrough. After the kids grow up and I enter any champer I get ported to the nursery and am surrounded by 2 slaves. The Event start with Myrcice and Jhaelle taking me for a reward.

Also when i enter the Pool Room and go outside again, the whole are is again broken and not anymore rebuild like it was after the kids grew up.

But honestly I love it so far and I think I didnt even got all of the mechanics, but sadly I got stuck. Tried a lot, nothing worked so far.

Fixed the Nursery event. (stupidly forgot to delete an event page that disabled everything, thanks for pointing out the error). This should be save compatible.

The second issue is incredibly weird... The ruins get fixed after a certain point in the game, and the switch responsible for this never gets changed after turning on. It could be that you're misremembering your place in a previous save file, or accidently bypassing the event that rebuilds the ruins, I changed a condition in Zesurra's event files that should make it impossible to accidently bypass. I don't know what could possibly disable the ruins rebuilt switch though... Let me know if there are any further problems (To fix the ruins bug you might need to start a new save, but test it out first, please).

Uploading new version to the site right now fix, the fixed version should be 0.107a.

(1 edit)

Thank you for your reply and the fixes. It now works as it should. At least I think so. Only Storywise there ist something weird. I would love to see a Guide on the Quest order. Because in my playthrough I met Xalyth the first time in the private Quarter already pregnant, but the intended first meeting dialog I get in the Libary, which I unlocked after my 3 daughters already grew up. Kinda werid to impregnate someone after the child is born. xD

But so far keep up the good work.

That's actually what I plan to have out by the end of tomorrow, a Game Guide for players to track their progress, hopefully make it easier for me to figure out what exactly broke and where.

I think I know why everything is wonky in your game. I fixed it, but the fix won't affect current save games unfortunately. I didn't put a quest activation blocker, and so your quests are now out of order. No way to reverse it other than to start a new game. (I fixed it in the 0.107a version) Apologies.

(1 edit)

i try to load the game and i keep getting a seript error any ideas on how to fix it?

You using a fresh save? The only time I have ever gotten errors while loading the game is when I use saves from previous versions. Or are you talking about script errors on startup (before the opening menu starts)?  Is it's on startup try deleting and redownloading the game, because the only thing that could be causing that is file corruption.

(2 edits)

is it normal that crafting lvl isn't saved upon exiting the craft station?

also, stockpiles are stuck at 0, they never change over time. Thus never able to be collected. (I'm not going to mine 400+  crystal and 200+ coal to see if they actually start stockpiling when 10 golem are added, more so when the max stack per item is 99)

also also, you might want to change the pathing blocks of the ladders in the mine, more often than not, I start climbing them as I enter a mine (thus going ontop of the walls of the mine), maybe making the ladder interactable instead of using the space in front of them be the exit could help too.

Thanks for letting me know, I'll look into this.

(2 edits)

Fix uploaded as ver 0.105c Should fix the problems you described.

Let me know if the stockpiles remain stuck at 0, I'm still not quite sure what's preventing that from working, but I did deploy a fix that should make it work (worked in my tests).

Used your suggestion to fix the mine ladders, you now have to activate them to climb up.

crafting lvl not being saved may be due to the plugin reinitilizing everytime you use a crafting station, fixed that.

(Reinitilizing the plugin was to fix another more minor issue, I will be keeping that in mind going forward).

Thanks for pointing out the bugs you found.

(5 edits)

okay, now there's a problem : you can't exit the crystal mine anymore, the activation square might be a little too high, gonna check the other mines to see if it's the same for the others.

edit: both coal and mana steel mines are now unexitable, either the activator is misconfigured or placed at the wrong square.

and a nota : the version number isn't updated on the start screen (it's been stuck 0.103 even tho you updated the game), it's more of a cosmetic problem so not high priority.

I can report that the crafting lvl logic now work for smelting at the very least.

Edit: I snooped a bit around to look where you placed the event for the ladder, and yes, they are a bit too high, place them a square lower.

edit edit : for the stockpiles, the common events seems to be set to autorun, those only start one time, not looped (unless you manually call them, I suggest setting it as parallel (if the help doc can be trusted, they will repeat periodically). (Another method would be to use a time plugin that will execute that event each n minutes/secondes).

The stockpile common event is not set to auto run, it operates continuously, it does take a while though for the stockpiles to increase, I'll reduce the time it takes for the stockpile to increase, every 6 minutes or so it should increase. 

Curious as to where you're reading common events being set to autorun, none of them are, all are either called by another event or run on Parallel, which is continuous.

The ladders aren't to high, they were set to "below character" thus non-interact able (Unless the event is set to player touch), I've fixed this. just face the ladder and hit the action button.

Please be sure that you have completed the quests involved with the coal and crystal mines in order for them to processed into the stockpiles, otherwise they don't get mined, additionally I fixed a major problem in the production line up (not enough mining upgrades causes bottle-necks in refinement, fixed it so mana crystal will always be priority when smelting, so you can always upgrade mining later.)

Also; fixed titlescreen version number, I keep forgetting to update that :P

(1 edit)

Fix should be save compatible with 0.105b saves.

Also make sure to enter the room with the central pool of water, the fix for the stockpile will activate when you do.

(1 edit)

How do i finish the quest "Breed 40 Minions"? cuz i am 100% sure i am at 50 or 60 or something now, can someone help?


It's bugged in this version, doesn't do anything anyways until the next version (where it unlocks further content). Next version should be save compatible.


Hotfix released, save compatible.

(2 edits)

oh, I see why I had trouble progressing, the downloads in itch app doesn't really work, you have to use the mega link or 9/10 of the files aren't downloaded. (maybe, need to see if that's true tho)


welp nope

still can't do anything after mindbreaking the drows (except getting four researchers pregnant). Can't go elsewhere or quests to do.

Been the case for all previous versions too, so dunno why even tho you add content, nobody here seems to understand how to access it.

I'm wondering.. Is it possible that the windows version was wrongly exported while the mac version is correctly getting the updates?

That's odd, both the mac version and windows version are derived from the same project file. 

Are you starting from a new save game each time? Something's get changed between versions that breaks old save files in weird and wonderful ways. 

Please let me know if you're using a save file from a previous version.

Also you say you can't properly download from the Itch.Io app, but can from mega? Are you actually receiving and error message when extracting the zip file, or just guessing that, that's the cause?


I'm restarting the game each time, not using previous save.

It's not that I couldn't download from the itch app, it's just I though the file size was different when compared to mega version (I was wrong on that point), there's no files difference or file corruption as far as I'm aware.

The problem is that, for each version including this new one, I couldn't make any progress past the drow mindbreaking.

I dunno if people can actually progress past that point on mac, but on windows one the versions aren't any different in term of accessible content compare to the initial release.

OHHHHH, have you not been speaking with Zessura? She advances the plot forward twice. First by renovating the algae farm chambers (the rooms to the side of the Omni sanctum (the pool room)), then in the private chambers to the bottom right (rebuilding the ruins and unlocking the academy to the top right).

Zessura is in her tent: top right in the ruins. Then moves to the private chambers bottom right of the pool chamber.

Zessura does not advance the plot before certain things happen however, explore the map around a bit, quests often activate when entering certain areas after certain conditions are met.

I'm gonna have to write a game guide sometime in the future, to help people keep track of everything.

For those wondering how to progress, please check the Quest log. 

The Quest log exists as a reminder for the player on what to do, and how to progress. If it is empty, then you have likely completed all that can be done in that version.

bro the quest log says there is no active quest and we cant progress

That's because this game is largely incomplete, you'll have to wait for another update.

dont download you cant progress after certain point in beginning and devs refuse to anwser how to progress 

Apologies, please ask for help through the blog, I'll be sure to check there regularly for those reporting bugs, or in need of help.

(I recently realized that I had set my blog to be restricted to those who were logged in only, I have since rectified this problem.)

Show post...

Question. After you get the drop researchers pregnate. What do you do. I've talked to everyone, tried to go into every tent. Nothing, I'm confused.

Or is that all for this version?

The newest version offers much more content, as for the researchers and their pregnancy, that is slightly more fleshed out as well, but still incomplete. I intend to flesh the characters out some more, as well as introduce interactions with your offspring (The slaves make minions to help you take over the first Drow city, the Drow queen and bodyguard's offspring will be sort of lieutenants in your empire.)

Awesome idea, even though there's an anime, this is the first take in game form I've seen. I'll be checking for future updates. Hope you continue with the direction and don't just devolve into a VN like some other games.

"don't just devolve into a VN like some other games." *Sweats nervously.*

The anime itself is what inspired me to think of Slimes as these Nanomachine factories, other then that this is more like Overlord the anime, you take over and create a corruption free empire, using brutal evil guy methods.

I'm hoping to introduce sandbox exploration gameplay later on after the player reaches the first city, maybe fuse some business management as well. (Explore for rare resources, process them, sell them, interact with other businesses and build a financial empire).


what do i do to leave the beginning area as in the place where you encounter drows for the first time?

hey, a game isn't fun without any challenge. id recommend not making the mc level 99 but instead base it around eating the algae and other things. make it so different foods when eaten enough get you different magic. none the less I'm expected to see improvement from you :)


This is actually a major concern of mine, RPG games derive much of their fun from overcoming challenges. The plan is to introduce lieutenants and and minions who will level normally through combat, whereas the main player navigates political and cloak and dagger aspects.

Funny you should mention eating different foods to gain powers... Omni absorbs power from consuming life forms, bunch of ancient demon remains down in the underneath.

Additionally Omni is supposed to be incredibly powerful because he is an ancient being, but he lacks skills and experience in combat due to his isolation, the goal is that he will grow over time after confronting others who have said skills and experiences. 

great to hear, I feel that if the cloak and dagger/ political escapades have consequences that will put a little more weight into the pressure that failing combat impacts. none the less I look forward to the updates and improvement of this!


its a good game im just a littel sad because there arent porn scenes 

You and me both man, I'm hoping that I'll eventually be able to scrape some donations together and commission some proper artwork for the game, even if only as nude pinups for the characters.

(1 edit)

i really think the games concept an gameplay is awsome!!..